Saturday, May 14, 2011

Leaving Seattle on the way to Alaska Day 1

So, haven't left the PacNoW yet, but today is the day that I do! Currently (2:30am) I am waiting in Sea-Tac Airport. I have been here since midnight. Instead of making my sister wake up at 4am to take me, I let her drop me off at midnight. So, instead of sleeping, I've been watching WGI vids, part of Inception, Facebook and Stumbling. My flight leaves at 7am. I have about half an hour until I can check my big bag in :) YAY! Im listening to the Tangled Soundtrack for those who care...

Well, Im nervous and excited and nauseous and scared and ecstatic and basically every emotion you can think of but secure. I feel like I'm becoming an adult today. I'm going out on my own to work in a far off place away from everyone I know! Holy cow....... Seems like just yesterday I had seen the pamphlets at Chemeketa to work in Alaska. I don't know why I applied but I did. I'm glad I did, but I just can't believe I jumped in so fast......

So I plan to update this everyday while in Alaska. So if you want to know what I'm up to, come here for the wordy parts. Pics will go on Facebook and if I can figure out how to do it on here, you may get a few awesome shots here.

Still can't believe I'm on my way to ALASKA! I've cried a few times today because it finally hit me I was leaving.

Well I guess enough for now. I know this is a kinda crappy first post but oh well. They will probably become more organized as time goes on.

In case you need my address, text me or ask me on Facebook so I know who's getting my info. Deal?

Well, I guess Im done now, for real maybe. Here I go.....

You still reading this?

Wow..... I'm guessing you have time on your hands to be going this far after I've somewhat officially signed off.

You must really miss me! I'm flattered!

Ok. For real..... Im done....


or Good Morning in my case.....


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