Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 53 and 54

I apologize to those of you that read this religiously for my lack of blogging last night. But I had good reason for not writing mine last night!

Day 53: I worked early this morning. I was super tired. For some strange reason I always go to bed way too late! It was a long and busy morning at Rapids. At least it was Tony's day off so he wasn't there to make it anymore unbearable. Lynx got super busy too. I was supposed to leave at 1, but it was so busy. It was 2 and it was still busy when a girl got her way and got to go on her 30 minute break. The worst part about it, is that she didn't want to eat, she just wanted to smoke. So, me, the girl who had been working since 4am, had to stay on clock so that the girl could go smoke. More overtime for me, but that just pissed me off! I was so mad.

I came home and had been planning on going to lunch with Mallory, but she texted me and said we were going to dinner with Megan and Kacie too. I was fine with that. I love these girls. So while waiting for dinner, Megan, Trisha, Amber and I walked to Otto. Only Megan and I swam. Trisha and Amber left Homestead and the lake before us, and we still beat them back. I don't really like being around Amber. She judges everything that everyone does. She always comments on everything too. I just want to comment on stuff she does. Like we had the 4th of July BBQ and she had 3 full plates of food. This girl doesn't need it. Then she is always asking for peoples food. I told her once in a joking way that she should buy her own and she rolled her eyes at me. Amber took so long to get to the lake. I felt like I had to keep stopping for her.

I was about to put my makeup on for dinner when I got a phone call. It was Tex. He invited me to go out to dinner. His reasoning: he didn't want pork chops for dinner and didn't want to go out by himself. I don't know how to take it. Friends say that means he likes my company because he could have invited a guy friend. But who knows... We went to Prospectors Pizza (yes I had pizza for dinner after working a long shift with pizza). We laughed and poked fun a lot. He told me cool facts about a lot of stuff. He told me all about Captain America and how Joseph Smith owned a bar. haha. It made me feel a lot better about hanging out with him when we went to dinner. I felt like we weren't hanging out just because we watch the same show. Of course, if he didn't want to hang with me, he wouldn't invite me to watch it with him. I didn't end up getting back and asleep until 11. I was so tired!

So that is why I didn't post a blog last night. I was out with Tex having dinner and laughing and I needed sleep before a early work shift. So Dani and Casey, you can chill out a bit! LOL!

Day 54: I was so unbelievably tired at work this morning. I fell asleep on the bus to and from work. Rapids was slow and so was Lynx. I probably didn't even need to come in today, it was that slow.

I came home and took a 4 hour nap! It was awesome! I woke up to my roommate asking me to go to dinner at 49th. I got the mac and cheese again and an extra side of sauteed onions. After that we went into the canyon and got ice cream. I'm not too tired right now, but I am a bit. I will go to bed soon. After work tomorrow, I don't work again until Sunday morning! Shower time!


  1. You were two days behind. We definitely needed to freak out.

  2. Yes indeed. I was afraid you had been abducted, and I was just about to stand on a street corner with a sign that said "Need money to save friend from alaskan brute" so i could buy a plane ticket to come rescue you. I'm glad you're not abducted. :D
