Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 88

I had today off.  But, Emily forgot I had today off, and called me at 430 am. Once I informed her it was my day off, she hung up at I went back to bed until noon. I got a package from my mom. So after lunch I opened it. It was my Faerie Tale Theater and WGI DVDs I asked her to send me. I watched Snow Queen, Pied Piper, Puss in Boots and Cinderella. Then I went to dinner. After that, Trisha wanted to watch some WGI, so I rented the DVD player and watched the Independent and Scholastic A and Open World Championships from 2008. I wish I could perform still.

I text Dark Sexy today (yes I know you're reading this :) ) It was good to hear from her.  43 days left until I get to leave Alaska :) 9 days until my nephew Justin's first birthday! I miss Jub. I can't believe he is walking! I hope he isn't able to run away from me when I get back!

I really do like Alaska I have decided. In the middle of the lower 48's heat wave, we don't get above 50ish up here. I know OR/WA isn't more than 90, but that is too hot too! I keep wondering what a winter would be like up here. I know it would probably suck because it would be dark, cold and lonely, but I still wonder. I know some people who work up here are going to stay this winter, I'm not.

I found out that guard started today back home. Nobody seems to know who the coach is. Bell and Jessica from Band Boosters won't contact me to let me know. I need to give that person the Log-in info and password to not only to NWAPA, but Facebook, YouTube and the email account as well. I want to visit when I get back. Maybe Bell will give me a coaches pass to get into a competition. Who knows.....

I just farted. Goodnight!

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