Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 18

I have no idea why, but I was so tired this morning! I have been dragging my feet all day. I got tips from Rapids today, $59! When I got home from work, I took a nap! It was wonderful. Im ready for bed again and its only 745.

Tomorrow Uncle Steve and Aunt Tomi come to the Chalet right next to the lodge. They have my shoes and backpack! Yay!

This is the shortest post to date. Although nothing interesting to say, I have made a vow to do this everyday.

Hopefully it lasts!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 17

Early morning :) I ran into some drunk guys on my way up the hill in my cart. They hadn't gone to bed yet at 4am. Kinda sad if you ask me... Work was really slow. I calculated that if I don't spend any of my paycheck money and continue with at least 53 hours/week, I should come home with over $6,000! I'm hoping I get another raise or more hours maybe. I'm already exhausted everyday, but to go home with no debt and money in the bank would be nice.

I went to Institute tonight. It was really good. We were reading 2nd Nephi Ch2 V25 and 27 (Scripture Masteries). I didn't have them memorized like everyone else so I sorta felt like a failure. Oh well. I'll work at it everyday! I started reading the BOM. I'm hoping to finish it before I get home!

Steve and Tomi are surprisingly in Alaska, so mom gave them my shoes and backpack and cool enough, they are staying at the lodge right next door to the one I work at! They get in on Wednesday around 4. I have the day off after 930, so I'll go home for a bit, maybe take a small hike to the lake, then come back and go meet them at McKinley Chalet. I am so thankful for them bringing me my shoes. I know its such a small thing, but it means a lot! Maybe with my tip money, I can take them out to dinner :)

I got to talk to Adam,  mommy, Ethan and daddy today. No offense to anyone, but I needed to talk to my daddy the most. Mommy and I can just talk about everything, but it seems that when daddy talks to me, its like hes giving me a big hug with his words. I haven't had a homesickness breakdown yet, but when I was talking to him I started crying. I don't know if he heard it, but I was. He was saying that he feels like all this amazing stuff will happen to me and it gave me comfort. I didn't get my fathers blessing before I left (which was what I really wanted) and I feel like just talking to him I have just gotten 5 from him! When I was on the phone with him, he told me to pray to my Heavenly Father for guidance and comfort. I was crying when he was saying that and right after I got off my phone, the rain clouds moved away, and the sun came out. It was just like that painting in the church buildings of Christ coming down out of the clouds with the brightness of the sun and a herald of angels trumpeting his arrival. I took a picture of it!

 I do miss my family and I want to give them all a big hug right now, but I need to be strong for myself and just trust in the Lord to keep me happy and safe. Here I am crying again. A good healthy cry.

I'm tired from all this crying and just want to sleep my tears away. Goodnight readers, goodnight!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 16

Sunday! My first and only day off! I was so excited to sleep in a just relax, but no. My body is too used to 3am, that I woke up at 3am! It was horrible! I finally fell back asleep until 6 and then couldn't again... Oh well. I actually got all 3 meals today which was an exciting first as well!

I went to the lodge to get my tips from Lynx and check out my schedule for this next week. I got $89! Sweet huh?! I get Rapids tips tomorrow. I checked the schedule and instead of my normal 10-1, I now work 10-2! I know its only an extra hour, but that adds up to 5 extra hours a week. I now have a 53hour/week workload!  I shouldn't complain, people all around me only have 1 job and want more. But, I want time off to go hiking and hang out with people. With this one day off a week, it is my recovery day. My day to sleep, veg and be off my feet for a change! My feet take a beating up here!

Today it rained! It was fantastic! I didn't realize how much I missed it until I've been here for 2 weeks and my skin is dry and sad! The rain was welcomed warmly by me! I opened my screen and stuck my head out and let it just drip all over my face. I was so thankful for the rain today! It is supposed to rain a little bit all week and I hope it does. After the little bit of rain we had, everything smelled better and things looked greener! I miss the PacNoW but I'm not leaving Alaska just yet. I still have through September!

I have work at 3am tomorrow morning. It is 7:45. I better go shower, brush my teeth and go to bed!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 15

Finished another long day of work! I even got to get out early today! Thats a first!

I found out that I got a 'Star of the Moment' from my supervisor the other day. I asked how I got it and he sad that even though I was scheduled until 1, I stayed until 3 because we were so busy without being asked. Also I guess when it was super busy, I kept my cool and many customers told him how great I was. It feels good to be finally recognized for doing something good!

I get my first batch of tips tomorrow. I hope I get good ones :) I'll be getting it from Lynx and Rapids. Speaking of Rapids, have I said how much I love my manager there?! Emily is amazing! She reminds me of Lladro when she coached me. She is super bubbly, even when I call her at 4 am on her day off, and she is always apologizing for things that aren't her fault but cause me trouble. It's so cute. I tell her it's okay and she denies that it is. She is my favorite manager thus far out of all the jobs I've ever had: Changs, SFC, Cutco, Sal-Keiz School District, Candy Tyme, Lynx and Rapids. Geeze I've worked at a lot of places.

Tomorrow is my first day off! YAY! I'll sleep in as much as possible but I don't know how much I will. I'm getting pretty used to getting up at 3am! I plan on going into Denali Nat'l Park and hike around a bit and then get back home, take a shower and go to church.

Its only 8p, but I'm exhausted after these busy last 2 weeks without a break! My paycheck should be pretty fantastic :) But, I don't get that for another week! Boo...

Alaska is a desert and so my skin is super dry and so is there air. I don't own a humidifier, so I got some towels wet and strung them around my room. I hope it works!

It is about 80 here today. I came to Alaska to escape the heat, not run into it! But I just looked at weather.com and it says we should have rain all week!!!!!! I'm so happy about that!!!!!

Dear Rain, Please come visit Healy, even just for an hour a day! I miss your moisture and the way you make everything look and smell clean and fresh! This dry weather makes me want you even more so than I did back in the PacNoW. I love you and I hope you miss me too! Come spread some liquid sunshine to all these Alaskan natives and visitors! I would appreciate it! I anxiously await your arrival. Love, Kylee

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 14

Another early morning :) It went really well until I counted my till and was over by $11.25! I don't even know how I did it! Oh well. One incident won't get me fired (knock on wood). My feet are killing in my shoes. Within an hour of working I wish I would have brought my black tennis shoes. The ones I wear have no cushion, support for my feet or ankles and they have no bend. I talked to dad today and he said he would send them to me. THANK YOU DADDY!!! I also am going to have him send me more body butter because with how dry it is here, my Lovespell which was full before I left, will be gone by June.

I didn't take a nap today so I didn't miss dinner!

I also got my first mosquito bite today! Its on my hip.

I love that I have 48 hrs/week scheduled. I always end up getting and extra hour or two each shift too. For Rapids, Emily sometimes needs my help afterwards and Lynx is always in the middle of the lunch rush when I'm supposed to leave. In fact, today I would have left on time at 1, but Rudy, my supervisor, came back to the office and asked me to bus for a bit. I ended up getting an additional hour on the clock. I'm probably already at 55+ hours this week :)

After work tomorrow, I don't work again until Monday morning! I know its only 1 day off, but since I'm off at 1 tomorrow, its like 2 days! Perks of having weird hours. Since I'm getting so used to these weird hours, I know my body is going to be used to it when I get back home in 3 months. I wake up with the sun here and I'm not even tired! It's kind of annoying.

I got mail today! Unfortunately it was only my Alaskan Food Services Card. I got 100% on the stupid test and I didn't study and I haven't since my sophomore year of high school. Weird, that was 5 years ago! Man, time goes by fast! I was hoping it was a letter or package from someone as a surprise but it wasn't! When I went to pick up my letter, my roommate Mallory picked up a few letters and a few boxes. I was jealous! I think that everyone should draw a picture or write a letter and send it to me :)

I haven't gotten homesick yet. It may just be waiting, but I think if it hasn't happened yet, it won't happen for a while. I love talking to my family and telling Mallory about stories about my family, but her dad died in September and a lot of the stories I tell have a mention or 2 of dad. I don't mean to tell stories about dad to her because I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I do anyways. She doesn't seem hurt, but I know if my dad died and my roommate told stories of her dad, I would get sad!

R.I.P. Kenickie, you were the hottest of the T-Birds! (PS he died today)

And I hope Preston's magic show went well and that he raised a lot of money! I'll probably call him to see how it went tomorrow!

Day 13

Having to wake up at 3 am for work is really messing with me. I get off work at 1 and then have the rest of my day which drags on and on. So I take a nap because I'm tired. I set an alarm for dinner and I sleep through it! It is going to be a long 3 months if I can't get used to this. 

Today was an awesome day at Rapids and Lynx. Both busy and both got lots of tips. The stupid old guy from Rapids was taken out and moved to another department. Thank goodness! But then when I went over to Lynx, guess who was there..... Ya, the old guy! Hes our dishwasher now... Oh goodie!

Nothing really happend today. Just work and missing dinner because of a nap. The movie night tonight was Tangled but I slept through that too! Oh well. Work in 3 hours. I am going to go back to bed!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 12

Had work at 4am this morning. It was terrible! Our espresso and drip coffee machines weren't working so we had to do runs of coffee all morning! Our computers went down for a bit and I had a huge line so had to do everything manually on paper! Then, a lady had waited and had waited everywhere she had been so she was getting pissed about us having to microwave hot water and asked for her money back. She paid in cash and we couldn't find her ticket in the computer so she made us give her money back from the tip jar! $5!!!! Terrible. I hate rich old people that think they're better than everyone. I understand you're paying $300 per night, but you can still have some respect and understand that even in the middle of Alaska the power goes out, machines go weird! I know we shouldn't have excuses but that doesn't mean you can be a jerk! But one good thing did happen: we finally got the machine to work right as we were closing so tomorrow should be good and the annoying stupid old man that works with me isn't going to be working with me anymore! THANK YOU EMILY!!!!!!!!

I went to the activity committee meeting tonight. All the vets of Princess kind of monopolized the conversation by just talking louder and louder over each other. It was dumb. Apparently we are having a Recess Day, John Hughes Movie Week, Talent Show, Drag Show, Poker Night and much more just in June. We will also be doing Biggest Loser. I think I have already lost some because I feel like I look better in the mirror now.  I just hope that I am and that I continue to lose weight so I can be a whole new lady when I get back to the lower 49! I'll get myself enrolled in the Court Reporting Program, find me a boy and how about an apartment! Or just live with the rents :) I could wake up and get Adam ready every morning to stay there!

So that was my day. Oh, I also got 2 extra hours today. I did the math and not considering my overtime hours I may get, I should be getting between 45 and 50 hours per week. So plus overtime, plus the fact that I get there early means more tip percentages for me, plus I get paid more per hour for being a lead means lots of money for me :) So I can pay off my credit card, pay off my Europe Trip to my sister and then see what else I need to do. Who knows, maybe I'll buy the Camry off my parents... or a BRAND NEW CAR! haha, probably not...

Tomorrow I work at 4 again until 1. Its almost 10pm so I need to go to bed. At least tomorrow we don't have a rush of people coming tp or leaving the lodge! Phew. Nighty night!

Day 11

Oh wow! Today I opened up at Rapids. I am the lead and it felt wonderful to be in charge! I had to wake up at 3 and catch the bus at 335. It wasn't too busy up there which was nice because I sorta had to train people on machines and such. We kept running out off coffee in our machines, so Tony, a guy I work with, LITERALLY went on a coffee run down and up the hill 3 times! Crazy boy! We managed to get about $30 in tips for the day. We were only open from 5-9 and only had about 30-40 customers in that time :)

After work, I got my 30 minute break and then went to Lynx. About 10 minutes before I was off, an unexpected lunch rush came in! It was crazy. People were everywhere and there were only 3 working in the FOH and so it got ridiculous! Orders were messed up and people had to wait. Two couples were having lunch and they all ordered the same thing. One of the couples finished their meal 30 minutes before the other couple got theirs! So stupid! So I got an hour of overtime today! That was nice!

When I was done, I was so tired! I was at the lodge for 11 hours and working 9.5 of those! My feet were killing so bad that I could barely walk! So I got home and went straight up stairs to take a nap at 330. I set my alarm for 6 so I wouldn't miss dinner. Ya, that didn't happen. I slept right through it. I didn't wake up until 1130pm! Good thing I have tomorrow off or the whole going back to sleep thing to wake up in 3 hours wouldn't sit well with me! So I am hungry, so I'm going to find a buddy and walk the 2 blocks to the general store and get a Pop-tart or something! Way healthy, huh?

I may go to the Denali Nat'l park tomorrow. It all depends on if there is a spot open on the busses.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 10

I had work at 5 am. Its funny. I try to go to bed early and of course people then contact me. Preston texts me, Megan knocks at my door! Geeze! So I wake up at 345 to catch the 435 shuttle to work. Mallory isn't in the room. When I go down the stairs to catch the shuttle, there she is walking towards me. She hadn't gone to bed yet. She partied all night: I wouldn't have the energy for that!

I get to work and a lady ordered a cinnamon roll and it was during the busy time so I was multi-tasking. So, instead of putting just hers in, I also put another roll in the steamer. I called both out at the same time and she comes up to me and says 'Well I ordered before that other person, so I'm taking both rolls'. She was so rude. She grabbed them out of my hands before I could say anything. I'm sorry you had to wait an additional 25 seconds while I prepare 2 cinnamon rolls... Stupid lady...

So I get off work at River Run Espresso and take my 30 minute break before I start at 10 at Lynx. Within minutes of me clocking on, I get called all the way up the hill to Rapids Espresso to stock everything for the opening tomorrow. I get all that we had put away and then went back to Lynx. I finished at Lynx at 1 and got a lunch and began eating. At that moment, my manager from RR/R asks me to meet her at the top of the hill again to just go over a few things. I assumed it would only take a minute but I ended up being there for 3 hours setting up. Thankfully, she offered to let payroll know that the extra 3 hours I worked were valid. She also let me know that I would be the Lead at Rapids. Which means, I'm in charge, I get paid more and I get the respect I deserve. The bad side, I have to be there at 4 am, which means 335 shuttle and then walking up the long steep hill! BOO!

So I start tomorrow as Lead :) I have an officially set schedule. 4-930 Rapids/10-1 Lynx: MTThFSa, W/Su off :) Works good huh?!

So since I have evenings off, I decided to walk to FHE/Institute tonight, alone. There was no activity planned so it was just Institute. WAAAAAAAY better than seminary! No offence Sister Miller! Afterwards, I was hoping that someone would give me a ride back home. Coinsidetially enough, Kody offered me one. I pretended like I wasn't too eager, so pretended I hadn't heard him. I then ask him for a ride and he jokes by saying 'I knew you couldn't say no to me'. :) But, he gave the stupid girl a ride too and she stole all the attention! She seriously looks and talks like a snooty, stuck-up snobby bad word! Oh well...

So here I am at 913 writing my good night blog. Hopefully I can get out into the Nat'l park on Wednesday :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 9

I had work at 9 today at the cafe. My boss let me off early so I could get to church.

I walked to church in crocs today and it only took 20 minutes. When I got there I put my other shoes on. I talked to a guy from the area and he said the only time they cancel church is when its below -30! Soooo cold!

Church was amazing today. I can't remember a time where I enjoyed church more! You would think that having a whole sacrament meeting about the Law of Chastity would be awkward and weird, but it wasnt. The talks were really well prepared. The Bishop compared the homestead to Sodam and Gamora. haha

Bishop Shreeve doesn't have my records yet, but has given me a calling already. I am Branch Music Director. I decide hymns, pianist and chorister. It sounds like a fun job :)

We sang 'As Zion's Youth In Latter Days' and it is now my favorite song! If I wouldn't have been directing the music, I may have started crying. It is such a good song! After church I walked home with Liz, a girl from the cafe. Shes really quiet but really nice!

Its awesome how many people I work with at the Lodge that are LDS. They just kept walking in the doors and it made me smile! There a lot of cute guys too!

Its funny, I get home and into my room after having these amazing talks on the Law of Chastity, and my roommate is listening to the Britney Spears/Rhianna mix version of S&M..... how ironic is that!

Well, I have work at 5am! I know, so early it should be illegal, but its true! LAME! Yes, this is me signing off and going to bed at 9pm! I want my sleep!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 8

Worked at River Run Espresso from 9-5 today. Well, I actually went up to Rapids Espresso and started prepping because we open on Monday. There wasn't much to do so I go back tomorrow. Hopefully my boss will let me off early so I can catch the shuttle back to homestead so I can get to church on time.

Apparently the obnoxious girl was in marching band in high school and they had 2000 people on the field. LIES! She is so full of crap! She also said that her graduating class was 2000. There is no way I will believe anything she says anymore.

A customer came in today and ordered an iced americano. We don't have cold drinkable tap water, so we took ice and put hot water on it. The man proceeded to tell us we were doing it wrong. He said we were watering it down by doing that. Well the thing is, we hadn't put the shot it yet. We were waiting until the water was cool and then we were going to pour some out and put more ice over it. He stayed with us for another 20 minutes telling us about all the coffee businesses he had owned. He left a few times and came back to complain more. Cool thing though is that he tipped us at least a dollar every single time! I was barista today and now I feel comfortable being one :)

I went on a hike with Mallory and Megan today. Well, it wasn't a hike hike, it was a long nature stroll to the dry creek bed near homestead. It was fun.

There was a fire on the hills near the homestead. I posted a picture on Facebook of the smoke because you couldn't see the actual fire.

:) Another day in Alaska is done!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 7

Worked a full shift at Lynx today:10-630. Work was super busy! It was the first 'real' day! Lunch time was crazy! People kept coming in and smashing in line! There was so much pizza! For part of the busy lunch rush, our computers went down. I found out that those computer crashes are a common occurrence! Isn't that terrible! Most people were pretty nice but there were a few jerks. I hope it is always that crazy! It allowed me to always have stuff to do!

I killed a mosquito or two today! THEY ARE MASSIVE! They are also slow and stupid. I thought it was a fly flying around, but no... It was a big dumb mosquito! I think one got my head because it was itching and then I killed one a blood splattered EVERYWHERE! It was kinda sick! After that I had to wash my hands. I'm sick of washing my hands so much! I washed them at least 30 times just at work today! It is ridiculous! My hands are always cracked and the soap is starting to irritate them! Why Princess Line doesn't spring for Dove soap I will never know!

Afterwards I came straight home and hung out with Megan for a bit. Shes awesome! We listened to music and watched some guard videos. She did marching band in California :) I love when I have stuff in common with people!

Most people have had a day off already or have one scheduled for before Sunday except for me :/ I have worked everyday so far, and tomorrow I work 9-5. I hope they have me Sunday off because I need a work break! Many people have gone on hikes already but I haven't! I just want to go outside and enjoy myself, and instead, I stay inside and make money! I wonder when this working vacation will actually have the vacation part be true!

Off to the shower, then bed!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 6

I didn't have to wake up until 8 today! That one hour of extra sleep was nice! Before work, a maintenance guy showed me a video of a bear he saw. I guess he also saw caribou but I didn't see that part.  Today the lodge officially opened and I worked at both Lynx Creek Pizza and River Run Espresso! Of course the people I worked with drove me nuts! I asked my pizza manager if Mallory could work with me and she said she would work it out. At River Run, I'm going to have to work with a terrible girl who doesn't even want to work and so a new friend named Breanna offered to work with me :) Hopefully it will work out so that I get to work with friends! I think both bosses like me a lot! Well, I hope so.

Across the street from Homestead there is a bar. In that bar is a mechanical bear like a mechanical bull that people ride. I want to go ride it, but don't want to go to the bar. Of course they have the fun cool stuff in stupid places! Friday night is movie night and they're showing 'Black Swan'. Probably won't watch it...

I worked until 630 and my friends don't get off until 1230am, so here I sit, alone in my room, goofing on the blog and watching 'The Patriot'! I could go be more social, but I'm choosing not to be. Many people are either in their rooms getting ready for work, sleeping before work, at work or just getting home from work and going to bed. I'm actually going to go to bed nice and early: 10ish! Weird huh?! I always feel kind of alone out here but it's hard to find people to talk to when  most people want to go out and smoke or go to the bar every night.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 5

Actually got to go into the Pizza joint today. Funny thing is, we open tomorrow and we did all the prep today! I wish we could have gotten in sooner, but I guess it wasn't possible. We cleaned everything and stocked everything. I hope we have a fairly slow first day so I can get my bearings on a new system. I will be working at Lynx from 10-230 then Rapids 5 to close. Long day! I just home they don't have me open on Friday at Rapids because that is way way way to early!

We learned who the lead cashier was today and yes I am jealous its not me, but Mallory thinks it is a wrong choice too. The girl is a 1st year like us, but shes super quiet and doesn't work well. As we were cleaning she would come over a re-do it after we had thoroughly cleaned it! Mallory thinks I would be a great lead. I guess they will just have to see me rise and then feel bad they didn't give it to me! Man, I sound conceded! 

I also got my uniforms. They aren't horrible, but they aren't anything I would choose to every wear ever again: a white polo and apron for Rapids Espresso and a denim top for Lynx... ICK! 

I also put out a fire today. In the midst of it, I saved a puppy, a baby and an old man. Unfortunately I got beat by a girl who works at Rapids that saved a prego cat w/8 kittens, so she technically saved 81 lives! So, it was just fire training to show us how to use a fire extinguisher. 

I saw cute Mormon boy Kody again today. But, of course I couldn't get near him since the stupid SLC Mormon hoe girls wouldn't let me. Those girls think they're better than everyone! So annoying! 

I saw either a  red fox or red wolf today : ) I could see it on a hill near my bedroom window!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 4

I was so tired today! 7 hours doesn't seem like enough anymore. I went down to breakfast today by myself while Mallory got ready for the day. Since I was alone, I asked a girl if I could sit by her. She said yes but acted like I was a disease for being there. She ended up being from Serbia. Not even a minute after I had sat down, her friends joined her. After they sat down, she stopped talking to me completely and talked in Serb to her friends. How rude! Thankfully Mallory had just come down to the cafeteria!

So we get to the Lodge for training and my manager tells me I need to go with her. I thought I may have been in trouble for letting the guy in the girls bathroom the night before but I wasn't. I got a 2nd job today! People are supposed to apply for them but I guess they just picked me. I will be working at Rapids, an espresso place at the far end of the property located inside a building full of rooms. I will be working with 2 other people. Only 1 of those 2 are actually at the Lodge now and they don't know if the guy will show up. If he doesn't, I wonder if they would give me the Lead Barista job! That may pay more! The bad part about the barista job, is that I will be working with an obnoxious girl!

Dinner was good tonight: Shrimp Tacos :) I got the last one! haha! Its only 9, but I think I'm going to bed because I am exhausted and I heard a rumor we are having a fire drill in the middle of the night tonight! Jerks!

With love from Alaska!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 3

Waking up before my 7am alarm coughing is no fun! My throat hurts and my nose kept running all day! '

So today was the first day of real training, or at least I was told it would be. On the way to the Lodge our bus had to stop because a moose was walking in the middle of the road. Apparently it is a federal offence of some kind to hit a moose. Weird! So we get to the lodge and we all head to our places of employment: mine being Lynx Creek Pizza. We go inside for about 5 minutes and they tell us we can't be in there yet because they have more repairs to do! They say our first day in there will be the day the lodge opens :/ Oh well.

So we go to another building for training. We end up cleaning the whole restaurant and then serving lunch to the whole staff of the Lodge(like 500 people). Afterwards we had more training, so we cleaned up the messes from lunch and then were done. I was really disappointed that we had no training today. I mean the lodge opens in just a few days time and we don't know anything. We could have gone over the menus or something. My boss is letting me have Sundays off so I can go to church which is cool but he is super lax.

Example: There was a guy whose first year was last year and he came back this year. While all of us were cleaning and serving and cleaning again, he had gone across the street and got ice cream and then just strolled around the Lodge's 15 acres. When he came back he was telling us that if there were dishes at work, he or the managers would ask us to do them. Hes not management of any kind! Nobody likes him now!

I also found out today that all servers tips get put into a bowl and split at the end of the week. I get that it's fair that way, but if I am an amazing server and I get a huge tip I shouldn't have to share with someone who was far less than stellar. But tips are tips so I won't complain too much. So when we got released, a few of us employees went to the main lodge and sat around for a few hours. At 5 I had TAPS training(serving alcohol permits) and it was a waste of time! We were supposed to get back to the Homestead by 645 but didn't get back until almost 8. I missed FHE/Institute tonight because we got back so late. I was bummed because the guy who gave us a ride yesterday to church (Kody) offered me a ride again. Hopefully I'll be able to go next week. Thankfully, the kitchen stayed open late so we could get dinner!

After dinner I was getting ready for bed and went to go brush my teeth. As I was brushing, a guy walked past the bathroom and asked where the boys room was on that floor. Well, there isn't one since floors are split up by gender. He was about to pee his pants so another girl and I said he could come in quickly and use the first stall to pee. In the time it took him to pee and wash his hands, the security guards had seen him in the security cameras and came upstairs. He got in trouble. Apparently that sort of thing is a terminable offense!! Ridiculous! I know guys don't belong in the girls bathroom, but I still thought it was ridiculous! He didn't look at anything but the toilet and I'm pretty sure he is gay... Oh well.

I've also made a lot more friends today and have become closer to the ones I already have. Mallory and I are getting closer as well as Angela(the new convert) and I. I met girls named Megan, Casey and Sarah and I met guys named Donny, Q(the bathroom guy), Adrian, Dan(whom Mallory and I call 'Blue'), Tony and Lenny(i think that was his name).  I got to know my Mallory on a more personal level. I had just gotten of the phone with my dad and she said that it sounded like my dad and I had a great relationship and reminded her of her and her dad. She told me all about how he died about 7 months ago and it was hard on her. She told me about some of the terrible things in her life and it makes me thankful to my Heavenly Father for giving me such a wonderful family and life!

I talked to my nephew Ethan today on the phone too and I told him I was in Alaska and he had wanted to come with me. When I told him where I was he said 'Ya, but I'm not with you!' It would have been cool for him to come, but for a vacation, not work.

Lots of rambling and details that I write for me so I can look at it in the future and smile. Hope you weren't too bored with another super long post :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 2

Oh, glorious Sunday!

Today was an awesome day in AK. I went to bed and woke up to sun. I'm not quite sure if the sun even set. I guess thats what 5 hours of night gets you. Anyways, I woke up at 7 and got breakfast with my roommate Mallory. They feed us pretty well here. After breakfast, we got on the bus to go up to the lodge to have our first day of training.

The first part of training consisted of 3 hours of sitting and learning about customer service skills. I swear, people these days don't know basic common sense when it comes to customer service; its really not that hard. One of the managers made a comment about winning a Mercedes Benz and I got excited but I guess it was a joke. DANG! That would have been cool! During the first part of training we went into groups and some of my group members were from Oregon. A guy from OC, a girl from Eugene and a hot guy from Portland. I found out he was in marching band :)

After that we had lunch. It was alright. On the way to the next part of training I walked past a guy in a BUY-I shirt and realized I wasn't alone! YAY! Next part of training was safety stuff. State Troopers came in and talked about rules and laws and such. It was a long session. We then went on a tour of the grounds. It was so windy and cold! But, the view was amazing! The clouds had been blown away and we could see many snow covered peaks across the river!

After that we got back on the bus. Dinner was at 6, but I was missing church (which starts at 5). So I skipped dinner and went to church! My dinner of Chex-Mix and Costco Fruit Snacks later was a great dinner :) My branch is about 30 people. They meet in a room with dividers for Sunday School, they put the dividers up for RS/PH and then open it up and redecorate for Sacrament Meeting. Normally church starts at 11 but so us noobs that may work on Sunday, they change the time to 5. So nice. Bless their hearts lol... The branch is so nice and cute! They boys all sit with arms folded and quiet. There is only 1 YW so she meets with RS. The have a piano but no player so they use the stereo and CDs instead. The bishop was excited to learn that 3 of the new girls(me included) in the ward played piano! haha

My roomie just came in and asked how church was. I'm glad I went. I met a lot of great people and wasn't bored at church. I listened to every talk and even participated in conversation.

Hopefully training will go good again tomorrow. I actually get to meet the people in charge of the Lynx Creek Pizza place I work in. I hope and pray that they will let me have Sundays off because I love this branch already and I feel better going to this one that I have going to other wards for the first time! I feel welcome here, maybe even home. Not totally sure at this point.

I am off to bed at 11pm, with YES sunlight still out... so weird!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Alaska Day 1

So the flight to Alaska was long and I was tired and didn't sleep. We flew right over downtown Seattle as well as parts of Canada, which from the air is SPECTACULAR! There are so many mountains and lakes! So beautiful. When we were near landing I had to turn my camera and phone off and just at that point we started flying over glaciers!!! I was so mad. They were amazing! There was a huge one that was beginning to melt at the bottom and the lake was a milky blue!

So we landed and I got my bag. On the way to my bus a guy asked me for directions. I told him it was my first time in Anchorage and he offered to give me a tour. I politely declined. He was probably into human sex trafficking. Im such a prime target ;)

The bus ride was 6 hours. The views were spectacular! I wish I had a professional camera and a day to just drive the path again and take pictures. I sat by a nice guy from Georgia (US) and we talked a little. There were Russians on every side of me and they talk really loud! I got an hour of sleep in on the bus which was much needed since I had been up since 8am the day before.

We finally arrived at Homestead. I got my bags and room key and put my stuff away. I feel like I should have brought more stuff! I had dinner and met a nice lady who turned out to be a recently baptized member! She was glad to have found someone to walk with her to church. After dinner I went to my room and my roomie was there. Her name is Mallory and she is from Illinois. She works at the same place I do. Shes like me:sports, music..... Hopefully these 4 months will work well between us.

Currently it is 1045pm and it is still sunny out! REDICULOUS!!!!!! Well, I guess thats why its called Land of the Midnight Sun...

Well I'm super tired and have training early in the morning :) Keep reading!

Leaving Seattle on the way to Alaska Day 1

So, haven't left the PacNoW yet, but today is the day that I do! Currently (2:30am) I am waiting in Sea-Tac Airport. I have been here since midnight. Instead of making my sister wake up at 4am to take me, I let her drop me off at midnight. So, instead of sleeping, I've been watching WGI vids, part of Inception, Facebook and Stumbling. My flight leaves at 7am. I have about half an hour until I can check my big bag in :) YAY! Im listening to the Tangled Soundtrack for those who care...

Well, Im nervous and excited and nauseous and scared and ecstatic and basically every emotion you can think of but secure. I feel like I'm becoming an adult today. I'm going out on my own to work in a far off place away from everyone I know! Holy cow....... Seems like just yesterday I had seen the pamphlets at Chemeketa to work in Alaska. I don't know why I applied but I did. I'm glad I did, but I just can't believe I jumped in so fast......

So I plan to update this everyday while in Alaska. So if you want to know what I'm up to, come here for the wordy parts. Pics will go on Facebook and if I can figure out how to do it on here, you may get a few awesome shots here.

Still can't believe I'm on my way to ALASKA! I've cried a few times today because it finally hit me I was leaving.

Well I guess enough for now. I know this is a kinda crappy first post but oh well. They will probably become more organized as time goes on.

In case you need my address, text me or ask me on Facebook so I know who's getting my info. Deal?

Well, I guess Im done now, for real maybe. Here I go.....

You still reading this?

Wow..... I'm guessing you have time on your hands to be going this far after I've somewhat officially signed off.

You must really miss me! I'm flattered!

Ok. For real..... Im done....


or Good Morning in my case.....
