Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 15

Finished another long day of work! I even got to get out early today! Thats a first!

I found out that I got a 'Star of the Moment' from my supervisor the other day. I asked how I got it and he sad that even though I was scheduled until 1, I stayed until 3 because we were so busy without being asked. Also I guess when it was super busy, I kept my cool and many customers told him how great I was. It feels good to be finally recognized for doing something good!

I get my first batch of tips tomorrow. I hope I get good ones :) I'll be getting it from Lynx and Rapids. Speaking of Rapids, have I said how much I love my manager there?! Emily is amazing! She reminds me of Lladro when she coached me. She is super bubbly, even when I call her at 4 am on her day off, and she is always apologizing for things that aren't her fault but cause me trouble. It's so cute. I tell her it's okay and she denies that it is. She is my favorite manager thus far out of all the jobs I've ever had: Changs, SFC, Cutco, Sal-Keiz School District, Candy Tyme, Lynx and Rapids. Geeze I've worked at a lot of places.

Tomorrow is my first day off! YAY! I'll sleep in as much as possible but I don't know how much I will. I'm getting pretty used to getting up at 3am! I plan on going into Denali Nat'l Park and hike around a bit and then get back home, take a shower and go to church.

Its only 8p, but I'm exhausted after these busy last 2 weeks without a break! My paycheck should be pretty fantastic :) But, I don't get that for another week! Boo...

Alaska is a desert and so my skin is super dry and so is there air. I don't own a humidifier, so I got some towels wet and strung them around my room. I hope it works!

It is about 80 here today. I came to Alaska to escape the heat, not run into it! But I just looked at and it says we should have rain all week!!!!!! I'm so happy about that!!!!!

Dear Rain, Please come visit Healy, even just for an hour a day! I miss your moisture and the way you make everything look and smell clean and fresh! This dry weather makes me want you even more so than I did back in the PacNoW. I love you and I hope you miss me too! Come spread some liquid sunshine to all these Alaskan natives and visitors! I would appreciate it! I anxiously await your arrival. Love, Kylee

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