Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 8

Worked at River Run Espresso from 9-5 today. Well, I actually went up to Rapids Espresso and started prepping because we open on Monday. There wasn't much to do so I go back tomorrow. Hopefully my boss will let me off early so I can catch the shuttle back to homestead so I can get to church on time.

Apparently the obnoxious girl was in marching band in high school and they had 2000 people on the field. LIES! She is so full of crap! She also said that her graduating class was 2000. There is no way I will believe anything she says anymore.

A customer came in today and ordered an iced americano. We don't have cold drinkable tap water, so we took ice and put hot water on it. The man proceeded to tell us we were doing it wrong. He said we were watering it down by doing that. Well the thing is, we hadn't put the shot it yet. We were waiting until the water was cool and then we were going to pour some out and put more ice over it. He stayed with us for another 20 minutes telling us about all the coffee businesses he had owned. He left a few times and came back to complain more. Cool thing though is that he tipped us at least a dollar every single time! I was barista today and now I feel comfortable being one :)

I went on a hike with Mallory and Megan today. Well, it wasn't a hike hike, it was a long nature stroll to the dry creek bed near homestead. It was fun.

There was a fire on the hills near the homestead. I posted a picture on Facebook of the smoke because you couldn't see the actual fire.

:) Another day in Alaska is done!

1 comment:

  1. Ask her the size of the student body. If it's around 10,000- she might be telling the truth...? But judging by her previous answers, I'm betting she'll say 2,000.
