Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 99 and Magic 100!

Day 99: Work was work. Dan came in to visit too. He wanted me to come say hi at Salmon Bake, but I forgot to. I was going to come home and play Monopoly, but ended up falling asleep. I also started reading Pet Semetary. It is really good so far.

Day 100: We got busy at Rapids today. It was one minute until closing and someone came up to order. After them, another 2 big groups came in to order. They saw that we closed at 9, and still proceeded to order a bunch of stuff. It made me kind of mad. Oh well, that's the food industry business. Lynx was slow too. I could have  gone at one, but Jessica thought it would get busy, but it didn't. So, I had to wait around until two : /

I came home and read Pet Semetary for an hour, then fell asleep. I got woken up around 7 by Anna wondering if I was going to wake up and come down to dinner. It wasn't very good, as usual. I had a good time laughing with Angel, Anna and Steven though.

Tomorrow I work at Rapids only, after that, Megan and I are planning on hiking Sugarloaf mountain. It is pretty big, but it should be a good time.If it's raining, I don't know if I will want to do it. We will see. Also, exactly one month until I am done here. The countdown has officially begun. We have Christmas on Wednesday. Tomorrow there is a gingerbread decorating contest and there is also a door decorating contest with cash prizes. Anna and I will work on it tomorrow probably! I must win. If my costume was any indication of how creative I can get, I think I have a good shot at winning this!

So, yesterday, Sam Atkinson posted this on Facebook, after that is the fight that ensued....

Kids with Special needs aren't weird or odd, they're Angels. They only want what everyone wants, to be accepted. Can I make a request? Is anyone willing to post this and leave it on your status for 1 hour? It is Special Education week & Autism & ADHD Awareness month
Yesterday at 2:45pm ·  · 
  • Preston BahrRobbie Bahr and 4 others like this.
    • Garrett Hart I had a "special needs" individual masturbate in class one time. Makes it sort of hard to be accepted.
      Yesterday at 8:54pm · 
    • Kylee Rose Bahr No it doesn't. My brother is special needs, he may do that, but it doesn't make him less acceptable. He just doesn't understand that it isn't appropriate in public. If your student was "special needs", which I am assuming you mean not really, than he isn't in the same category as kids like my brother.
      Yesterday at 9:24pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Garrett Hart It would be unacceptable if I did it, meaning that that is discrimination.
      Yesterday at 9:25pm · 
    • Garrett Hart Im not trying to be hard on them, but if some one can't distinguish what is is acceptable behavior, what's to stop them from slitting a persona throat?
      Yesterday at 9:28pm · 
    • Garrett Hart Persons
      Yesterday at 9:28pm · 
    • Kylee Rose Bahr If a little kid did it, would it be unacceptable? Just because they can't distinguish acceptable behavior, doesn't mean they will go as far as murder. Special needs people have been sent to prison for doing that. Meanwhile, the normal person can plea insanity and get away with murder. It is something they can't help.
      52 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Garrett Hart Keep crying about how I view them. If I see an old person struggling to drive and I fear for my safety, am I just being mean? Or am is my bias in place to protect me? My grandmother taught special needs and her student bit through her ear. Wasn't a bad kid, just could "distinguish acceptable behavior." I'm not concerned with your pity, I'll keep my prejudices, thanks.
      46 minutes ago · 
    • Kylee Rose Bahr Wow. Didn't know it was possible, but you just gained a few more points on the douchebag scale... Congrats to you!
      43 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Garrett Hart No, you are a phony. What you do, is no different than pretending to not notice an individual with one leg, or one eye. I have accepted their difference, unlike you who tries to pretend they are just like you and me, when really you are just some self righteous cunt who unveils your pity when they just want to be treated equally, instead of everyone like you boo hoo'ing them
      38 minutes ago · 
    • Garrett Hart You obviously dont understand my point, and if you think I don't care about mentally challenged individuals, you couldn't be further from the truth. I'm just saying, I treat them as I would ANYONE ELSE, and I don't call them special, that's condescending in itself.
      29 minutes ago · 
    • Kylee Rose Bahr A physical disability is different from a mental one. I don't pretend they are just like you and me. My brother is mentally 5 and he is 15, I treat him like he is a child because that is what he understands. If I treated him as if he were 'normal', I would yell at him for doing stupid stuff. I would complain about how he didn't do things right. But I don't. I see he and other kids like him are different. I would never pray this on anyone, but I hope for your sake, that if you ever find someone to have kids with, you have a special needs one so you can understand that they are different and need different treatment than 'normal' people.
      28 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Preston Bahr Sir, I wish for you to have a special needs child when you are a parent to be taught how to freaking respect other people and not be so stupidly ignorant.
      22 minutes ago · 
    • Garrett Hart You are far above me for wishing some one a life like that.
      21 minutes ago · 
    • Garrett Hart You have no idea, what I am trying to say. Go read a book.
      20 minutes ago · 
    • Preston Bahr It would teach you a lesson and also, having a brother with this disability; he is a blessing to have.
      19 minutes ago · 
    • Preston Bahr So it might not be as bad as you say it is.
      19 minutes ago · 
    • Preston Bahr Garrett, if I were you, I would stop talking and remove all your comments because you are making yourself look bad and EVERYONE is against you.
      18 minutes ago · 
    • Kylee Rose Bahr No I do get it. You said it makes it hard to accept them, but if you were to see if from their angle, you would see it differently. How would reading a book help me understand you?
      18 minutes ago · 
    • Preston Bahr What do you mean I have no idea. You obviously don't.
      18 minutes ago · 
    • Preston Bahr I DO.
      18 minutes ago · 
    • Garrett Hart Has some one ever told you something to make you feel better? You think being special and called special makes you feel better? No, it's condescending.
      15 minutes ago · 
    • Garrett Hart Boo hoo hoo.
      15 minutes ago · 
    • Garrett Hart I have nothing against the mentally handicapped, you obviously think you're better for putting them in a dream world and pitying them, I wont stop you.
      14 minutes ago · 
    • Garrett Hart I'm criticizing you for making them feel different by treating them differently than you would anyone else, which you are. If you understood what I was saying, you would know that. If I whipped out my dick in class, people would notice, why should it be any different than them?
      11 minutes ago · 
    • Preston Bahr You are criticizing them too be saying in your first comment that you find it hard to accept.
      10 minutes ago · 
    • Garrett Hart Because I'm not going to accept some one pullin their dick out. I'm going to say you can't do that, fool! And only because I WOULD SAY THAT TO ANYONE in that position, but he's an angel so I have to say it's alright. Is that what you want?
      8 minutes ago · 
    • Preston Bahr That is not what I am saying. From now on, just keep your rude comments to yourself.
      6 minutes ago · 
    • Garrett Hart And if it's of any consequence, I hope you have healthy nor would I wish I'll will towards anyone. Goodnight

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