Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 58

Couldn't fall asleep last night until almost 1! It was terrible! I just couldn't sleep. I wasn't too tired at work either which was a plus. I found out that Adam ha quit(which is good and bad). Good part: no more dealing with him. Bad part(s): we have to get a replacement, I may have to come straight from the Harry Potter Midnight Premier to come to work and not actually get the day off :/ Then, Tony being the dummy he is, was over on his till by 60.04! I don't understand how he could do that! It is ridiculous!

I was in a zombie mood today. I wasn't happy or sad or upset. Just there... It was weird. 

Tex sat by me at dinner, but ended up talking to the other people at the table because they were all from the south and were talking about southern things. His Texas accent started coming out a lot! haha

I watched HP and the SS. I was going to watch HP and the CoS, but I need to go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter too! :)
