Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 26

I woke up and went to work. I had to work with that Tony kid, but he was waaaaay subdued today for some reason. It was nice not having him spastic! I only had to work at Rapids today which was nice which allowed me to have the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted to. I was going to go on a 5 hour Natural History Tour of the park, but a guy at the tour desk from church named Zach suggested taking advantage of a free Jet Boat Excursion. It was free for me because I am an employee and there was so much space. There was only 2 people going on a 20 person ride! I was suggested to give a tip for it, so I gave $20 for a $200 tour! I didn't see any wildlife in the wild, but I did get to feed domesticated Caribou/Reindeer! They were smaller than wild ones, but they were still cool!. I also got to pan for gold and touch animal pelts. It was a fun use of my early afternoon. I got back to the Lodge around 2 and then went home and slept until 6! Its only 9, but I am going to bed as soon as I finish this! So the couple, I and the bus driver John (LDS) got to go on the tour!

Mormons are everywhere! Speaking of which, yesterday those stupid ho girls were sitting with a bunch of other LDS kids and they were talking about how they were all going hot tubbing. So basically all the LDS kids went hot tubbing last night, they knew I knew about it because they told me, and they didn't invite me. Way to make me feel alone you stupid hos and jerks! I already am alone up here since I came without knowing anyone, and now I feel even more so! I feel like an outcast now. Kind of like that one kid in the playground that has lice and nobody wants to be around them. Is there something wrong with me that excludes me from respect?!?!?! I already feel like I close myself off from people somewhat and now I just don't want to open up to them.

At least I know who I can consider a somewhat friend. Kody invited me to a church thing yesterday but I had to go to bed. He knew I needed to sleep but invited me anyways. Those girls just didn't have the common courtesy to either invite me or not say anything.

Also, dad texted me today telling me there was a mistake with my taxes and I owed around $1000 to both state and federal. I panicked for a second then finished reading the rest of my text. It was a joke but not a funny one!

I signed up to take a bus to Fairbanks next Wednesday! I will hopefully get that morning off at Rapids. I need a little bit of a break. I want to get out. Plus I need conditioner, a fan and some super strong moisturizer for my hands. I have bloody and cracked knuckles because the crappy soap they give us to wash out hands with.

I was told today that some of my guard kids are coaching next year. Not only has that not been even brought up, but they are already talking about how they aren't taking crap from the kids. I think these kids are great additions to a guard, but coaching-wise, I don't think they are mature enough to handle all the problems that North students have. I know I started coaching a whole year after graduation, but I also believe that I am more mature for my age than most. I am talking to the director now. We will do interviews and see what we think.

Then today, I was talking to a guy from work and he was saying that they shouldn't hire anyone under 21 because it is just a hastle to have them come because they can't drink and are immature. They he said they also shouldn't hire Mormons because then there are complaints of cussing and drinking. I told him I was Mormon and he got a look on his face like he wanted to backtrack what he had said. He looked stunned so another girl said 'Don't you always see that sparkle in her eye? Or notice the way she is always happy? Thats the Mormonism in her'. To his line about not hiring Mormons, I said 'What about me?' He said I could stay because I was bearable. Thanks Rudy.... at least I now know I am a bearable Mormon.

I did start todays post with 'Today was a good day!", but I just removed it. I just feel alone now after writing all this. I wish I would have had someone come with me I knew. Even those kids that I felt like I could talk to, I have my hesitations about now just because I am sick of this BS!

Work in 6, night...

1 comment:

  1. Well, you said it yourself. You are more mature than most of those girls AND you are the bearable one! Maybe those dumb girls feel inferior to you and so they don't invite you. Rude- I agree. Try to step out of your comfort zone a little and things will get better. After all, I went to EUROPE by myself for four months! Find a couple of regular friends to get you by and forget about everyone else.
