Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 37


Today was my day off! Unfortunately, my roommate's alarm kept going off. The worst part, she was so drunk, that she didn't even hear her alarms or remember later that they had even gone off. I got to sleep in a little bit, but since I was up until 3 watching a movie and talking to Sebastian, it didn't feel like it.

It was a lazy day. Megan was going to go to church with me today, but ended up having to work late because they were so busy. She said next week though. That's what I keep hearing from Mary, Dan and Megan; next week, rain check, blah blah blah. Hopefully I will get a buddy to go with me eventually.

I found out that Casey got an apartment and has a job interview tomorrow. I hope she gets the job!

Good Luck Tse-Tse!!

I called dad for fathers day and he reminded me to keep doing my blog because he likes reading it. I had almost gone to bed without writing today's. I work tomorrow and Tuesday and then actually get all of Wednesday off! I am already planning on going to Otto Lake again and watching a movie with Megan!

I can't believe I have been here over a month now! It seems like I just got here! Soon I will be packing up to go home. I know this summer will go by fast. I still am not completely sure what I am going to do when I get back. I may go to court reporting school or move to Utah or Everett or stay in Alaska. Who knows?! I may do guard if Bell can't find a responsible enough person to do it. I know I need to go back and see my dance teacher. I miss that class! I want to do dance again!


  1. I would move on to bigger and better things. You did colorguard- and it was great. But you're almost 22 and you know from experience that you won't get very far in life very fast instructing high school kids. And besides that, I think it's time for you to break free of that high school scene and start hanging out with COOL people! ;) And time to get out of grandma and dad's houses. You're young and unattached- go try more new things! :D

  2. I agree with Dani whole heartedly.
