Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 29

So I'm pretty sure that Tony is beginning to hate working with me. Today he was just standing there while I worked, so I found stuff for him to do! All morning he had been behind me watching my every move and I was sick of it. I suggested he clean up the lobby and he said it wasn't our job, it was housekeeping. I told him it was housekeeping's job when we weren't there. (so it was ours at that point).

After that, he steamed milk for a latte. Rule: If you steam milk, clean the wand off! He didn't clean it off so I just politely reminded him to clean it off when he's done. I look over to make sure he heard me because I didn't hear a response and I see a middle finger up directed towards me and the B (female dog) word escaping his lips. I don't mind! He can remain immature while I am unfazed by his immaturity! I am sorry you weren't taught to work as a child. I am sorry you don't respect authority because I know one day it will bite you!

I didn't ask him about the finger incident because I was too tired to care. But if it happens again, he will be in trouble. I will get him written up or something

After work I went to Salmon Bake with Mallory. I got the Crabby Grilled Cheese again. It was yummy. After that we walked around the shops on the other side of the street. I got my tips from both places today. I spent most of it, but not on me! I wanted to send some cool stuff home. I won't post on here what I bought just in case family reads it before they get it. (I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise!) I hope they all like what I got. I should be sending it on Monday or Tuesday!

It is currently 9pm and I am exhausted! I am so glad I have tomorrow off! I get to sleep in! YAY!

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