Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 40

Rapids was slow today thankfully. It was a weird morning. I had to try really hard to get out of bed but was on time. Anthony was supposed to be in at 4 and didn't show until after 5. Adam didn't show because he had Noro or something. Analisa is gone! I know we are getting someone new up there.

The Rapids lobby, espresso, kitchen and bar were all a total mess this morning. I found out that the old guy Jay(friends with the Food and Beverage Manager) is now running the bar. Which means every morning when I come in, I will have to clean up his messes because he doesn't know how to work. It is terrible! I guess he gets like 60+ hours a week and he doesn't really do anything either. Oh well.....

After Rapids, I came home and went on a walk with Megan. We saw two moose. Their tracks are huge! I was so excited to see one up close but knew at any moment, it could charge me. It didn't. It looked to sick to really do much of anything and we both felt bad. After that we came home and watched 'The Hot Chick'. She had never seen it before and loved it. After that we walked to a little cafe and got frapps. I couldn't finish mine and so she did.

We got back and she went up stairs and got ready to go to the Lodge for our work parties. While I waited for her in the lobby, I talked to Tex. We didn't talk for too long, just long enough for us to get to know each other better. He now knows my favorite color is yellow and I give good foot and back massages. I found out he likes martial arts and $2 hookers. (joke). He said he would invite me to watch more kung-fu movies and I invited him to go swimming in Otto Lake. Who knows where this will go.

Megan and I went to the Lodge. We went to the Rapids Employee Appreciation Party at Lynx. I didn't eat anything. Then off to Base Camp Bistro for the Lynx Employee Appreciation Party. I guess all the other departments got Lynx, but since we work there, we got to go to a fancy place! I got a seafood mac'n'cheese and it wasn't very good. While waiting for our food, Megan and I got cold so we bought sweatshirts. They are super cozy and cute! Also today, I bought two beautiful necklaces! One changes colors from yellow to blue in the right lights and the other looks like 'liquid hot magma' (name that movie).

We came home. I showered and brushed my teeth. I made an appearance at the Game and Chocolate Social. I didn't have any fondue and I played Settlers of Catan with a few people. I had to teach people how to play and since I knew how to play, my turns went fast(and I had to go to bed). I ended up winning and the next closest score was 6.

I have a full day tomorrow. I work from 4-2 and then I plan on going swimming in Otto. If I see Tex, I will invite him!

Overall, today was an awesome day. I spent most of it with Megan who is one of the only people up here I feel like doesn't judge anything I do or say. I feel like she is a genuine person and I am glad to call her my friend. We talked about staying up here after the season and moving in together or doing more Princess stuff on a cruise or something. Who knows what I will do. I do know that I am falling in love with this area and I am becoming more and more at home up here. Like my daddy keeps telling me, I think I may not go home after the season is over, I may end up living up here the rest of my life.