Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 45

I was nice and rested at work today even though I only had 4 hours of sleep. I had an extremely productive work day. At Rapids and Lynx I managed to keep myself busy all shift long. I was doing stupid little tasks left and right, but at least I kept busy.

I realized today something about my day off. To start, here is my schedule every week:

Sunday: All off
Monday: Rapids and Lynx
Tuesday: Same
Wednesday: Rapids only
Thursday: Rapids and Lynx
Friday: Same
Saturday: Same

So how it stands, I have a totally crappy schedule. I think I am going to have my bosses switch my days off so they are right next to eachother: I am thinking keep my 1/2 Wednesday and then a full Thursday, just so I can actually do stuff on my day off. How it is now, is that I have all my Sunday off, so I stay up Saturday night and end up sleeping in on Sunday until close to church time. The problem with that, is I don't actually have a full day off for hiking or camping or anything. We will see what my bosses say tomorrow.

Today after work I watched a movie with Megan and then Tex invited me to his place to watch the show Weeds. It is a funny show. I ended up staying at his place for a good 6 hours. We laughed a lot and are planning another Weeds party tomorrow! How exciting!

Also, I bought my ticket for the midnight Harry Potter premier in Fairbanks. Only 13 people fit on the shuttle and I got one of the spots! Yay. I plan on sending my package home tomorrow and also sending back the broken tie tacks to the stupid company. I had to fill out a survey on them and all I said was that I was disappointed that I had to wait 3 times to get it since they were broken each time. They sent me a message saying my comments were unnecessarily negative.  Well, when you have to wait time and time again to get a package, ya I will be happy you keep fixing it for me, but I shouldn't have to have it shipped to me multiple times before it's right.

Tomorrow is my half day(ya, it got switched this week since we are short staffed).  I will be home by 1030, sleep until 330 and then go watch Weeds with Tex. I'm going to try an coax a walk out of him or something other than sitting on our butts.

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