Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 48

So I decided this morning that I wasn't going to wear makeup. Good Job Kylee.... NOT! I got on the bus after work (which was very slow) and he was there! He was sitting in the front and when I got on, he moved back near me. We didn't talk on the bus really. But I was invited to watch weeds again. It is an extremely addicting show. Inappropriate to say the least, but the idea is awesome! So I went over there and guess who offered to give me a back massage :) Progress! 

We will probably finish the season tomorrow. Then I guess I have to come up with things to do that aren't sitting on my butt. The rain should be going away on Saturday. I hope. 

That's it. Just a little update on my current situation. Oh. I also get paid at midnight tonight. I will wake up with another $700 in my account! I get to pay off more credit card! Yay! I hope my tax refund comes in soon so I can actually start saving money instead of paying crap off. 

1 comment:

  1. About time! :D When Dave and I were dating I would intentionally not wear makeup on random days so that I would know if I scare him.
