Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 33

I went to Fairbanks with Mallory today.

We got Quiznos, which was the best meal I have had in a month. It's sad when fast food is a good meal. We went to the small mall they had and I got a UO hat and then went to Walmart and got a fan and snacks and a few other things.

We went to Chili's for dinner. I had never been there before until today! It was alright. Not the best dinner I've ever had. It made me want Applebees!

We didn't get back to Homestead until 10. It is now 11. I need to go to bed. I have work at 4. I have to catch the bus in 4 hours. Boo...


  1. my 'd' key has been sticky and I was super tired so I didn't notice that the d didn't get put in all 4 of those words.
