Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 35 and 36

The reason Days 35 and 36 are together, is because I stayed at the Lodge last night! I was working a later shift and then had to work early, so Emily hooked me up with a room on property! It was nice to have a big, hot, pressurized shower and comfy bed in my big bedroom all to myself. It was super nice!

So Day 35:
Uneventful day and evening.

Day 36:
I had work early today. I was so tired. I had a short temper fuse but bottled up my outbursts. I just wanted to go to bed! I left my Lynx shirt at home, but my Rapids shirt is denim too so it didn't look wrong. I came home and took a nice long nap! It was awesome. When I woke up, Megan text me. She wanted me to go on a hike. The hike was about 30 minutes. We went to Otto Lake! It was super beautiful! There were lots of mosquitoes so I am glad dad let me take the 98% deet with me! It was a life saver! The lake really wasn't that cold! We swam for probably 30 minutes then decided we should head back. It was nice to get out and be able to talk to someone for an extended period of time.

It was nice to go swimming. While we were swimming we saw 2 black leeches swimming around. They didn't get us so it was okay. When we got out, we looked at our feet, and we both had about a dozen of those little buggers on us. They were baby ones. The were slimy and sort of hard to pull off.

When we got back we were both hungry, so we took the shuttle to the Lodge. We went across the street to get food, but everything was open for bar only. Boo... So we got back on the bus that smelled terrible from all the food servers(nasty fish smell) and went home. I am going to watch 'Into The Wild' now. I am pretty excited to see it!

My ankles are pretty tore up from my hiking boots. I knew I shouldn't have, but I wore ankle socks. I also have a mosquito bite on my butt, my hip, two on my head and my elbow. Not bad for being in Alaska and going on a hike to a lake!

Day off tomorrow! Megan says she is going to go to church with me. Mary and Dan are going next week!